Outro: Looking Back At A Week In Which We Wrote Awesome Things About Our Bestest, Bestest Friends!

Brian Raftery | October 13, 2006 6:50 am

Conflicts can be so interesting. -You can take us out to the ballgame anytime–as long as you don’t bring Scott Stapp. -A towering music-biz giant says goodbye, inspiring misty-eyed eulogies and grumpy -pants complaints. -We can only pray that YouTube’s crack-down doesn’t affect the outer fringes of late-night TV culture. -Hmm. This magazine cover looks awfully familiar–not to mention just plain awful. -Have any of you guys heard of this Lily Allen woman? Any thoughts? -A mash-up maestro gives the people what they want. -You guys are getting better at separating the fake Pitchfork nonsese from the real-deal nonsense. -Can Wham! make it big again? -Watch out for falling assholes!
