Stuck On Repeat: Charlotte Hatherley Puts Pop Through The Shredder

noah | January 5, 2007 4:19 am

Thanks to Fluxblog for tipping us off to the UK songstress Charlotte Hatherley; we picked up Grey Will Fade, which she released in 2004, and we were absolutely gobsmacked by her power-chord instincts–honestly, we were singing along from the second verse of “Paragon.” As a bonus, she’s got some serious guitar chops, and she’s completely willing to unleash some incredible guitar freak-outs (that’s her slicing and dicing in the background of “Summer”) in service of her songs’ sweet melodies.

Charlotte Hatherley – Paragon [MP3, link expired] Charlotte Hatherley – Summer [MP3, link expired] Charlotte Hatherley [MySpace]