Outro: Looking Back At A Week That Made Us Put On Multiple Red Lights

Brian Raftery | February 16, 2007 5:10 am

– The Grammy Awards may have been an overstuffed, underwhelming, snooze-inducing bore… – …but unlike the Plug Awards, at least we could watch from them home. – MTV employees had a tough week, but surely they can take solace in the fact that both TRL and VH1 Classic will survive–for now, at least. – The emancipation of Audioslave makes the possibility of a Soundgarden reunion a superunknown. – The Dixie Chicks may be on the comeback trail, but Nashville is more than happy to remind them of their Bush-bashing past. – The American Idol contestant pool is cut down to a mere 24 willing victims starry-eyed dreamers. – Who knew there were so many lonely music writers out there? – Weasel, the Puppy Born Without Ears, sends some music bloggers to obedience school.