Zune’s Blog-Marketing Techniques May Finally Be Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel

noah | February 23, 2007 9:09 am

It’s only been a few months since its release, but the Zune has already entered the pantheon of free ringtones, weight-loss pills, and cheap penis enlargers. From Digital Audio Insider:

Microsoft is running a little Zune promotion — make MSN your homepage and you might win a free Zune.

Which I learned from a comment to this recent post. Before deleting it (I’m trying to keep comment spam to a minimum) I decided to cross-reference the time of the comment with the server logs to see who left it. It looks like it came from someone working for Mr. Youth, a marketing/promo company that lists — surprise — Microsoft as one of its clients.

Other blogs have fallen victim to the Zune comment spam, too, so we’re guessing that this is some sort of concerted effort on Microsoft’s part. Which seems a bit misguided to us–after all, given the Zune’s soft sales, you’d think that Microsoft would try and devote its resources to, say, actually getting people to pay for the things.

Comment Spam And Free Zunes [Digital Audio Insider]