“I’m From Rolling Stone” Episode Guide, Part Eight

Brian Raftery | March 5, 2007 10:20 am

Yes,I’m From Rolling Stone is still on–you just have to look hard to find it (it’s currently occupying the late-night neverworld between such MTV staples as Young People Doin’ It! and Fat Joe Goes To Subway). Idolator intern Kate Richardson is still watching, and her random notes are after the click-through.

Highlights from Episode 108: “All Night Long”

-As the big fall-preview issue approaches, the interns try even harder to get published, pitching stories on passing dance fads, cheeseball adult-contemporary singers, and the cred-boosting effects of “rebelliously” drinking alone in an office while being followed by a camera crew.

-When Peter asks a Dubai events manager about Lionel Richie’s popularity in the Middle East, he’s told that the singer has got “music for a couple, he’s got music for the mothers, for the child, he’s got music for the dance,” which is actually the subtitle of Lionel’s forthcoming Hello! Iraq! live album.

-Russell spends the night in the offices drinking, smoking, and meandering around in a truly pitiful attempt at a Hunter S. Thompson homage.

-Russell loses an arm-wrestling match to Method Man, something Hunter S. Thompson would never do.

-Still drunk the next morning, Russell finds an intern who is apparently legitimate enough to not be on the TV show, and yet just unstable enough to spoon with him on an office couch. Security comes out and asks them to stop being so creepy, and an editor tells Russell his Method Man piece is too messy to publish. Cue the obligatory end-of-the-episode monologue about self-sabotaging behavior.

-The editorial staff sounds the death knell for Tika’s chances at the Rolling Stone job, deciding that she seems a bit too “overwhelmed” after trying to write a short piece on Ice Cube and an even shorter piece on the “Chicken Noodle Soup” dance.

-Peter’s “very well-received” Lionel Richie article is published in the magazine.

Most annoying intern of the episode: Russell. For playing into the exact same story arc every time he’s featured in an episode. Least annoying intern of the episode: Peter. Because he seems to have some vague idea of what on earth is going on most of the time. Episode grade, on a Rolling Stone-like scale of three stars to three-and-a-half stars: Three stars Jann’s beard growth, on a scale of 1 to 10: Though we haven’t seen it since the first episode, Jann’s beard is actually so long by now that it has its own separate producing credit on the show.

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