The Hamburglar Steals Twista’s Dream Of Performing In A Parking Lot

dangibs | July 30, 2007 12:32 pm

Twista couldn’t fast-rap his way out of this one. McDonald’s dropped the quick-talking rapper from the Chicago stop on its McDonalds Live parking-lot concert series thanks to pressure from an old Idolator friend: noted billboard advertiser St. Sabina Catholic Church and its pastor, Michael Pfleger.

“If we are going to continue to put money behind stuff we say we have a problem with, then you’re part of the problem,” said the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Catholic Church, which erected billboards.

The outdoor ads read, “Stop Listening To Trash,” and list seven of the most offensive artists. Youths from the church and its neighborhood culled the list from a larger pool.

“Why wouldn’t McDonald’s say ‘we’d rather support Common or Wyclef or Lauren Hill?’ ” he said. “My bigger preference would be to [put money behind] artists who’ve chosen not to do trash, and show that you can be successful and be paid by not going that route.”

Pfleger’s effort is notable because he targets artists by name rather than blanketing the hip-hop genre with criticism.

It’s hard to argue with Pfleger’s endeavor, although it seems more likely to earn him an unkind reference in a a future Lil’ Wayne freestyle than actually curb misogyny in the music industry. However, it puts McDonald’s in the awkward position of trying to book a tour for an urban demographic, but avoiding the audience’s favorite acts. Most “conscious” rappers would likely avoid the blatantly commercial nature of the gig, and popular “Why can’t the rap music be more positive?” comparison Lauryn Hill seems to be a little busy being, well, crazy. So who loves burgers and is unlikely to have dirty lyrics anywhere in their catalog? McDonald’s, you can thank us later.

McDonald’s Music Tour: I’m Bleeping It! [Chicago Sun-Times]
