If The Internet Was Fair, These Guys Would Be Way Bigger Than Tay Zonday

noah | August 17, 2007 2:02 am
A friend sent this video along to me with the one-liner “it’s like US Maple and Ugly Kid Joe,” and somehow, the Texas butt-rock outfit Complete’s performance of “Hoogie-Boogie Land” is both better and worse than how I pictured that unholy concoction would turn out. The sludgy riff and the Bob Pollard lookalike’s rapidfire shouting of “hoogie-boogie lannnnnnnd!” are already stuck in my too-Velcro-like brain, so thank the stars that Complete’s MySpace page has an MP3 of the track, which I can now use for mind-evacuation purposes. I wonder if playing it loud enough will have an effect similar to those sound-wave pest repellents?

Complete – Hoogie-Boogie Land [YouTube]