Big Brother Comes Armed With The Naxos Catalog

jharv | August 24, 2007 12:00 pm

In a delightfully fucked-up bit of draconian, class-conscious sonic warfare, authorities in Washington state are hoping that stodgy ol’ Bach and Brahms will keep miscreants from causing trouble at area bus stops, whereas most of the area residents are already predicting this will either a.) have little impact on area crime or b.) just make things worse. A British classical musician is rightly unnerved by the plan, but also seems confused by the idea that young people actually use music as “shorthand for tribal allegiances” and wonders aloud why people can’t just behave themselves and/or suffer through the music being imposed on them in public spaces. Of course anyone who’s ever spent some time at bus stations and/or shopping malls in the greater Seattle/Tacoma area should know that you’d be hard-pressed to make them worse.

Tacoma Hopes Gangs And Classical Music Don’t Mix [KOMO TV via The Guardian]