Sony-BMG To Sue Pants, Blubbery Smirk, Hairy Dye Off Perez Hilton

jharv | October 12, 2007 9:00 am

It’s obvious bad karma for a music blog to wish for a major label to drop a copyright infringement lawsuit on a blogger for posting song leaks, but in this case we’ll make an exception, because Brtiney Spears’ corporate overlords are attempting to pop Perez “Blood-Engorged Tick” Hilton for forcing them to release Blackout before the world had time to prepare for it.

Okay, the world was probably never really going to be ready for the Blackout bomb, but the lawsuit slams Hilton for posting nearly a dozen half-finished (or finished songs that sure sounded half-finished) Britney songs over three months, the reason Zomba is claiming that Blackout has now been bumped up two weeks from 11/13 to 10/30. Like Silicon Valley Insider, every music blogger knows very well that “even when the label is genuinely opposed to the idea, it’s usually handled via a sternly worded letter from a lawyer,” but with the RIAA winning its first trial, maybe the music industry’s lawyers are strutting around with a little more confidence in their plans to sue everyone in sight. Or maybe they’ve just heard all of our prayers for someone to take Hilton down. Bad karma be damned.

Brtiney’s Label Vs. Blogger [Silicon Valley Insider]