Looking Back On A Week That Didn’t Quite Go According To Plan

noah | March 21, 2008 5:45 am

• Jack White tried to plug leaks and silence critics, but his plans for world domination were foiled by iTunes. • Meanwhile, Gnarls Barkley dropped its album a little early. • Music blogging: So easy, a caveman (with a computer) can do it? • Chuck Eddy sought the heat with a Lonesome Thug Lady and a girl who just wants you to Google her. • Kate had an unfortunate run-in with Tokio Hotel. • Spin in 1990: Charmingly clueless about hip-hop. Spin in 2008: Charmingly ga-ga for R.E.M. • We said goodbye to American Idol‘s skunk-haired Janis Joplin wannabe Amanda Overmyer–but we may be saying hello to her again soon. • Jess examined the current state of pop-punk. • Madonna gave us all something to suck on. &bull, Finally, here’s Idolator’s last mention of South By Southwest… until next year, of course.

[Pic via my new favorite page on the Internet]