An anonymous blogger is chronicling her efforts to get on American Idol–she’s trying out at the Chicago auditions, which are next week. Her blog began on May 15 and has been updated pretty regularly, with tidbits about her upcoming tryout (she needs to pick three songs, and so far she’s only settled on Billy Joel’s “And So It Goes”), her feelings about last season’s outcome (Adam lost in part because “his fans felt pretty confident that he had secured a win”), and her somewhat unsupportive parents (“Even when I told them I was auditioning for this, they just laughed”–uh, yipes). I’m still trying to figure out if this is slightly inept viral marketing by Fox or what, although I guess if she makes it–and the Idol higher-ups somehow let her keep journaling away–we’ll have our answer to that question. [My Journey to American Idol Season 9]