Rihanna Does ‘Good Morning America,’ Despite Wardrobe Malfunction

Robbie Daw | November 24, 2009 10:20 am

Rihanna was slightly late for her appearance on the Good Morning America stage this morning to perform “Wait Your Turn.” The reason? A good old-fashioned wardrobe malfunction. (Sorry, no nudity in this one.)

“I’m a little too fat right now—the zip busted in the back!” she explained once the song had finished. “They wanted to stitch it up, but I couldn’t.”

That’s what fat looks like? Excuse us while we jump on a treadmill for the remainder of our lives. Watch Rihanna perform “Wait Your Turn” on GMA after the jump.

How long do you think it took her to perfect that diva pose at the end there?

The white dress is quite a contrast to the dark subject matter and imagery revolving around Rihanna’s Rated-R album, just one of the army of new releases trotted out yesterday. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if all the emotional flip-flopping pays off for her in this week’s chart battle.

In the meantime, here’s RiRi doing “Russian Roulette” on GMA: