Chris Brown Sentenced To 1,000 Hours Of Community Service

Patrick Bowman | August 17, 2013 8:00 am

America’s favorite R&B lothario/real-life cartoon villain Chris Brown had his revoked probation reinstated Friday (August 17), but was slapped with a new sentence of 1,000 hours of community labor which can include cleaning beaches and highways, removing graffiti and probation alternative work services. The sentence was handed down after the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office accused Brown earlier this year of violating his parole by submitting bogus community service reports — at one point claiming he was picking up trash in Virginia but was actually on a private jet to Cancun — and a hit-and-run charge which got the court’s attention but was ultimately dropped.

Brown’s probation will last until August 2014, so he has 12 more months and many more opportunities to violate court orders by acting like a petulant, entitled jackass. But for now, the prospect of jail time is behind him.

[via TMZ]
