Weezer Sues Over Being Associated With Crummy Beer, Crummier Bands

noah | October 3, 2006 10:00 am

Rivers Cuomo and Weezer have filed suit against Miller Brewing Company for the use of the band’s name in a 2004 Rolling Stone ad. The ad, which used as its artwork concert tickets from a number of bands, name-checked Weezer, the also-litigious Audioslave, and a few bands with which Weezer “do not wish to be associated with in any advertisement.” (Audioslave’s lawsuit, which was filed a year ago, registered the same complaint.) Weezer is claiming that the ads have caused millions of dollars worth of damage to its reputation–but we’re of the opinion that, after being name-checked among such mispelled lowlights as Trapt and Puddle of Mudd, they might be asking for too little.

Weezer Says It’s NOT Miller Time [TMZ]
