The PLUG Awards: Time To Stuff The Ballot

Brian Raftery | October 9, 2006 3:41 am

What do you get when you combine the self-congratulatory smugness of an awards show with the insular cabbala of the music blogosphere? Why, you get the PLUG Awards, an annual kudos ceremony for people who need reassurance that Clap Your Hands Say Yeah was, indeed, the best new band of 2006.

The PLUG site is now accepting submissions for next year’s festivities, and we say: To hell with the whole shebang. There’s no reason in the world for another snob-affirming love-in, especially one with categories like “Music Journalist Of The Year” and the hilariously in-denial “Indie Rock Album of The Year.” Are people really so insecure that they need the validation of knowing that all of their peers love Return To Cookie Mountain as much as they do?

So we ask that you don’t vote in this lame affair, and instead save your democrat zeal for But if you do decide to cast a ballot, make sure to vote for borderline nonsense like we did. Just make sure your gag ideas are funnier. The PLUG Awards [Ballot]