We Expect This Band To Top The Hype Machine Chart Any Day Now

noah | October 11, 2006 5:49 am

Duke Francencow at Styched gets peeved at overly referential rock snobs, and in the process, he tips off the world to what could be the best band ever:

“Oh, you’ve never heard of [fill in the blank]? They’re pretty good. I don’t know… they’re sort of Alice-in-Chains-meets-Talking-Heads, with a little Wolf Parade and Eric B. & Rakim thrown in for good measure.”

(Okay, okay, he’s making up the band in question. Still, if someone could craft us a mash-up of those four artists, so we could figure out whether or not what we’re dreaming up matches with reality, please get yourself to GarageBand ASAP.)

Why I Dislike Your Favorite Band: The National [Styched]