Insane Clown Posse To Reveal The Motivations Behind The Makeup

noah | November 1, 2006 11:30 am

While perusing the CMJ schedule, we found the writeup for what may be the greatest panel the schmooze-and-booze fest has to offer:

Panel Topic: MUSIC VIDEO, TV & VISUAL MEDIA Not Ready for the Tonys: Visual Theater in Music Notable artists reveal why they practice performance art and how they draw the line between self-expression and using gimmicks. The panelists also talk about how reinvention and staying relevant to audiences can affect which visual media, costumes, and props are chosen for stage acts. Moderator: Anne Leighton, Owner, Leighton Media

Panelists: Violent J, Insane Clown Posse Shaggy 2 Dope, Insane Clown Posse Gen, lead singer of the Genitorturers Phoebe Legere, performance artist

We’re crushed that we’ll be otherwise occupied during this discussion; ICP’s terrible music and terrifying fanbase have long given us trainwreck fascination, and hearing Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope talk about the motivations behind their work will likely bring forth Inside the Actors Studio-sized revelations. Will they eschew their makeup? Will Juggalos storm Alice Tully Hall? Alas, we can only wonder, and hope that someone has it in their heart to send us a scene report.

Saturday panels []