Pick Of The ‘Fork: Your Wordsmiths Revealed

noah | November 3, 2006 4:03 am

We’re back on track in Pick Of The ‘Fork, our weekly attempt to see if our scribblings can match up to those printed by the star-slingers at Pitchfork. Nearly a third of you picked out an actual sentence from this week’s Pitchfork reviews–“Like a cadaver supplied to a medical student, these tracks reward close inspection if you can stomach the task of tearing into them,” from Marc Masters’ 7.2 review of Skullflower’s Tribulation–marking the second week in a row that we’ve faked you out.

In honor of our sentence–“They own the complete catalog of We’ve Got A Fuzzbox And We’re Gonna Use It, and boy, do they use it.”–coming in second place (23%), we’re going to post an MP3 of the band’s contribution to the C86 compilation. Get it now, so you get the references later!

The remaining contenders, and their tallies:

“Not only does it jump genres like hobos jump trains…”Georgia Anne Muldrow, Fragments Of An Earth (6.3 from Joe Tangari, and 22% of the vote)

“The shit would be like the old dudes in Cocoon fighting for the last dip in the pool.”Ghostface, “Ghost Is Back” (four stars from Peter Macia, and 23% of the vote)

We’ve Got A Fuzzbox And We’re Gonna Use It – Console Me [MP3, link expired] Pitchfork
