Many, Many People Would Like To Tell You About This Arcade Fire Band

Brian Raftery | November 17, 2006 2:15 am

If you’re a music publicist who wanted to work with the Arcade Fire, this has likely not been your week: After weeks (months?) of trying to find a new press flack, the band’s management began phoning prospective suitors this week to tell them they hadn’t gotten the job (word on the street is that the gig went to Radiohead/Beastie Boys firm Nasty Little Man, but there’s nothing on it about their website; can anyone confirm?). At a time when so few up-and-coming bands are worthy of a big-name cover story, the Canadian outfit is definitely a “get”: Funeral may not have gone gold, but it’s hard to think of an indie-label debut in the last few years that garnered more attention.

Here’s the weird part: Just this morning, we noticed that the website for Press Here Publicity–a boutique firm that represents the likes of the White Stripes, Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, and Franz Ferdinand–had updated its roster to include such decidedly non-Pitchforkian acts as Def Leppard, Bob Marley, and, uh, Disturbed. Aside from the fact that this roster would lead to one of the most bizarre holiday parties of all time, we can’t help but wonder how long Disturbed and Co. have been with the company, and whether they were deliberately kept off the site’s roster to maintain that indie cred during the courting period? We’re guessing that Winn Butler probably didn’t want to be in same stable as Lenny Kravitz.

Press Here Publicity [Official Site]
