Music-Recommendation Service Reveals There’s More To Gloomy Tunes Than Goth

noah | November 24, 2006 12:45 pm

The French music-recommendation site Musicovery is a bit of a fun time-waster for those days when you’re not sure where to start in your iTunes library. The Web-based service streams songs based on users’ desire to hear two attributes–tempo (which ranges from calm to energetic) and mood (from dark to positive); further refining can be done by genre, year of release, and whether or not a song was a hit. The mood selector still has a few kinks to work out (since when is “Hollaback Girl” at all “dark”?), but clicking through its musical mood-tree took up a sizeable chunk of our morning–especially once Mudhoney’s “A Thousand Forms Of Mind” kicked in.

Musicovery [, via Hypebot]