Year-End List Mania: Music Bloggers Raise Their Voices And Lower Our Expectations

Brian Raftery | December 5, 2006 12:32 pm

Depending upon how you look at, Largehearted Boy’s round-up of year-end best-of lists is either a public service or a public health hazard: While it provides some insight into what proactive music listeners are listening to these days, many of these tabulations feature more ill-advised choices than the entire two-season run of Flavor Of Love. Some of the more egregious offenders:

Guillemots – Huh? Silversun Pickups – Really? Final Fantasy – Final whatnow? Xiu Xiu – Jiminy Jesus H. Christmas!

And remember: This is just the beginning of what promises to be a whole month of bizarrely unjustified plaudits, contrarian over-reaching, and essays about Joanna Newsom that include words like “uber-ethereal.”

Shorties: 2006 Best Music lists [Largehearted Boy]