Is “TRL” Getting Ready For Its Final Countdown?

noah | February 6, 2007 4:15 am

Right now, Fall Out Boy is on TRL, MTV’s daily countdown show; they’re counting down their 10 favorite videos, which include “Thriller” and “Parents Just Don’t Understand.” It’s part of what MTV is calling its “A-List Playlist” week–American Idol runner-up Katherine McPhee took over countdown duties yesterday–but given all the recent buzz about TRL‘s low ratings and candidacy for the MTV chopping block, we’re wondering if this isn’t the network’s way of letting its long-running viewer countdown show run out the clock gracefully. Any tips or final-show timetables can be sent to the usual address, so we know when to throw up our Total Request No Longer Live headline.

(Also, did MTV really bleep “heart” out from the first verse of “Thriller?” Please say that it was just a sound glitch. Please.)