Videodrone: “Young Folks”‘ Whistling Never Gets Lost In Translation

noah | April 4, 2007 1:00 am

Germans Under Cover, the fine blog devoted to cataloging German-language tunes of popular songs, seems to have disappeared (what happened?), so we figured we’d post this Deustchy take on Peter, Bjorn & John’s “Young Folks.” The whistling is still intact, and singing the still-infectious melody is none other than “99 Luftballoons” chanteuse Nena, who knows a bit about swapping out English lyrics for their German counterparts. Is it too much to ask that Peter, Bjorn & John pay tribute with a Swedish-language cover of Nena’s nuclear-grade hit?

NENA, OLLI & REMMLER – Ich kann nix dafür [YouTube, via The Rock N’ Roll Star]