Cleans Up Its Act

Brian Raftery | April 24, 2007 3:45 am

Last fall, in an effort to compete with such high-falutin’ Internet entities as MySpace and Facebook, MTV launched a newly designed, Flash-obsessed version of It was a major overhaul for the site, and not only was it ugly as all sin, it also took five minutes to load, meaning you had to wait forever to find out the latest scoop on the poolboy from The Hills. Yesterday, the site dumped the Flash look for something a little less painful, as explained by this post on the network’s MTV Labs blog:

At MTV, experimenting is just something we do. We’ve got more than two decades of that under our belt. So, about nine months ago, we went all Flash with our Web site. It was a technical marvel and it was indeed flashy. But, it was also something of a headache for a lot of users, so we were told.

Luckily, we’re also good listeners, and that’s why a few months ago we started toying with a new and improved HTML version of the MTV site. Anyone watching the live beta site has been witness to substantial evolution, from the overall look of the pages to simplified navigation, a new video player and a vastly improved internal search mechanism.

Translation: Look, we didn’t buy MySpace, so just take what you can get and be happy with it, you overly masturbatory little cretins! Judging by the comments under the post, some of the site’s readers don’t like the new look, as evidenced by multiple uses of the word “sux.” But we’ll take it, as it’s already cut down on our migraines by a whopping 7 percent. Now all they have to do is ditch that Taquita and Kaui nonsense, and the healing can begin.

The New HTML [MTV Labs]