Hammerman Turns Into A Caped Anti-War Crusader

noah | May 8, 2007 1:35 am

AOL Music’s PopEater Blog has a dispatch from Bamboozle, the two-day, eight-stage, emo-stuffed festival that caused Sarah “Ultragrrrl” Lewitinn to denounce emo from the hilltops. Also on the bill was MC Hammer, who devoted part of his show to an antiwar protest:

The fun got a little bit awkward, however, when the dancers toted American flag-adorned coffins on stage while Hammer launched into an anti-war rant recruiting participants for a text message capable petition and presented a new song called ‘Bring Our Brothers Home.’

What the PopEaters forgot to mention–and we swear we are not making this up–was this: after that song was finished, Hammer implored the crowd to text into the petition, because once the soldiers left Iraq, the U.S. could thumb their nose at the terrorists, sending them an important message:

“U Can’t Touch This.”

Which was, of course, followed by a performance of the track.

MC Hammer Rocks The Bamboozle [Pop Eater]
