Guest Blogger Wore Out Her Welcome At The Turn Of The Millennium

mariasci | July 6, 2007 8:45 am

Long before the Idolator flophouse ever existed, there was the Corinthian Street compound down here in sunny Philadelphia, where your guest blogger and the head Idolator used to listen to music and chat late into the evening. We joked often about putting together one of those old-fangled things called “‘zines”, but it never materialized. Today is the day–after several years of instant messaging and bookmark-sharing–that this becomes a reality. Behold, the power of the Internet and push-button publishing … or something like that.

For someone who looks awful in hats, I seem to wear a lot of them these days: former roommate, blogger, radio personality, photographer, graphic designer, and contributor to outlets such as the Philadelphia City Paper, Paper Thin Walls, and Pitchfork. And for reasons that escape me, I’m currently contributing to Billboard’s “Mobile Beat” blog. I do a mean rendition of Jefferson Airplane’s “Somebody to Love” and I’m fascinated by the musical selections of figure skaters.

OK, have I proven myself to you? Yes? Fantastic. One final thing: you can call me Maria or MTS. I won’t stand for this “Maria Tessa Sciarrino” nonsense, even if it was all of my fault to begin with. If time machines become a reality, I’m jumping in one to tell my teenage self that using my full name is the stupidest thing I’ve done next to attending art school.
