Where Is Mike Jones?

kater | July 10, 2007 12:58 pm

Who? Mike Jones, the man whose phone will never stop ringing, is surprisingly elusive on the alleged release date of his new album, The American Dream. Already pushed back once (it was originally supposed to come out in May), Dream is either unavailable or shipping in 4-6 weeks on Amazon, depending on which listing you look at. At his official site–at which Jones pops up as you drag your cursor across the menu to inform you that “You’re goin’ down!”–the line is that Dream is “coming soon,” but there aren’t any upcoming tour dates or events listed. Furthermore, for a city that takes such pride in its rappers, Houston is surprisingly mum today, with no events listed in honor of Jones or Dream. Perhaps he’s taking a subtler approach to self-promotion–or maybe he just needs to fire his marketing team.

Mike Jones [Official site]