Man Sues Over Busta’d Head

jharv | August 7, 2007 12:43 pm

As if shaving off the dreads wasn’t heartbreaking enough for longtime fans like me, Busta Rhymes is now being sued by a 20-year-old New Yorker for allegedly kicking the guy in the head last summer. Roberto LeBron apparently hocked a loogie onto Busta’s car, or one of the cars used by his nine-man bodyguard crew, leading to the alleged beatdown. Lets tote it up, shall we? Criminal charges leveled against Busta stemming from allegedly whupping LeBron after a New York concert, beating up an ex-employee, and now being sued by the guy he booted in the noggin. And that’s not even counting the non-violent offenses he’s dealing with. When did hip-hop’s clown prince (’90s division) turn so goddamn angry?

Man Sues Busta Rhymes In Alleged Assault
