Coming To A Blog Near You This October: Lots Of Britt Daniel Cameraphone Shots

noah | August 9, 2007 4:42 am

The CMJ Music Marathon–the autumn ritual of New York City concertgoing that fills pretty much every bar within rock-hurling distance of the Lower East Side with bloggers, writers, and the remaining college radio true believers–announced its initial slate of performers today; headlining the list are Spoon, UNKLE, and Kanye West sparring partners Justice. The rest of the list has a few ’07 festival mainstays (Dan Deacon, Marnie Stern), a few bands that we wouldn’t stand around for even if we had free drinks purchased for us all night (hello, Chromeo), and even a couple of acts to placate the hippies who work in business development (Mickey Hart, Coheed and Cambria). We’re already looking forward to the 1990s show, if by “looking forward to” you mean “dreading the badge line for.”

CMJ Marathon Announces First Round Of Performers []