IDM Pioneer Makes First Tiny Impact On American Pop In Almost A Decade

jharv | October 2, 2007 2:00 am

That inescapable-for-48-hours Saturday Night Live spoof featuring Maroon 5’s Adam Levine and SNL‘s Andy Samberg–the zzzz/overlong one about which some of you were griping we neglected to post in favor of Kanye’s self-mocking appearance–has been mercifully yoinked from the Web before we had a “Lazy Sunday” moment, thanks to Samberg using an ill-begotten sample from Aphex Twin.

Awesomely sad comment: “Who is Aphex Twin? They should be thanking SNL for the publicity.” I can understand TV Guide’s readership not necessarily checking for Surfing On Sine Waves, but has America really forgotten the “Come To Daddy” video already? This is why MTV needs to bring back AMP. Maybe they can squeeze it in after Subterranean.

SNL Digital Short Nixed Due to Music Clearance Snafu [TV Guide]