Confirming What We Already Knew: 50 Cent Is As Bad As Satan

jharv | October 4, 2007 10:36 am

This New York Daily News op-ed piece by one Mr. Errol Lewis on “How To Kill Gangsta Music” is mostly same-old, same-old (blah blah Imus, blah blah 50 Cent, blah blah tide turning on depraved late American culture, blah blah music industry is dying). However, it is notable for two things. 1.) Making me wonder what “extreme technical gangsta rap” might sound like. And 2.) having one of the best 1-2 opening punch combos I’ve recently read:

The national movement for decency and artistry in popular music has turned the corner and seems well on its way to success, with the most violent and pornographic gangsta rap heading for the same shadowy corner of our culture inhabited by Satan-worshiping death metal music.

It’s about time.

But wait, I thought death metal (and other evil-worshipping metal sub-genres) had been on a creative high for the last few years, and that it continues to sell out mid-level (and even large-sized) venues around the world. Surely this analogy means that we’re never to be free from 50 Cent. Because it certainly can’t mean that Curtis is gonna actually get good at some point in the future.

How To Kill Gangsta Music [NY Daily News]
