“In Rainbows” Preorder Page Gets Fanboys A Little Too Excited

noah | October 4, 2007 2:35 am

Yesterday HMV’s Web site put up a preorder page for Radiohead’s In Rainbows with an alleged release date of Dec. 3 and an alleged label of Parlophone; some media outlets (including one that had been all uppity about journalistic standards recently) ran with that placeholder release date as fact, forcing the band’s management to come out and say that no, Radiohead hadn’t signed with a label yet and that the Dec. 3 release date was fiction. Seriously, guys–if HMV’s pre-release dates were, in fact, the gospel truth, wouldn’t we all be too busy waiting for our copies of Chinese Democracy to arrive to even care about Thom and company?

Radiohead Deny December “In Rainbows” CD Release [Billboard.biz]
