Tonight: If An Awards Show Falls In A Forest And We Live-Blog It, Does It Make A Sound?

noah | November 8, 2007 1:15 am

A reminder: We’re sending Kate to the taping of the mtvU Woodie Awards, which are happening at Roseland tonight, then being broadcast on the dorm-only cable channel next week, then getting whittled down to half an hour to be aired on MTV and MTV2 at some ungodly time on a weekend. Which is why it’s the perfect type of show for her to live-blog on scene, right? Because even though you may not be able to watch on TV, watching this exercise in extreme pseudo-eventing through Kate’s eyes will probably be much, much more entertaining. The festivities start at 7 p.m. ET.

(Also: Rilo Kiley just got added to the list of performers, so we’ll get a live update on Kate’s Jenny Lewis skirt length/quality of RIlo Kiley’s music theory! This is going to be great.)