Led Zeppelin Is Not Playing Bonnaroo (We Think)

noah | December 4, 2007 5:45 am

Bonnaroo promotion company Superfly attempted to halt the weekend-long frenzy over the possibility of Led Zeppelin and Metallica possibly headlining next year’s festival today, via a statement to Billboard:

“The rumors that are out there about the Bonnaroo 2008 headliners are inaccurate,” Superfly Presents and A.C. Entertainment said in a statement released to Billboard.com. “We’re very excited about the lineup that we’re putting together for this year’s festival. We’ll be announcing the confirmed lineup toward the end of January/beginning of February.”

Hmm… but that doesn’t say flat-out “Led Zeppelin is not playing,” now, does it! Oh, I hate denials that are more confusing than the rumors inspired by them.

Bonnaroo Promoters Quash Lineup Rumors [Billboard]
