Thom Yorke: EMI Is A Bunch Of Bastards; Also, My Shift Key Is A Bit Sticky

noah | December 31, 2007 10:30 am

Thom Yorke has taken to Radiohead’s official blog to debunk the notion that Radiohead went to its former label, EMI, asking for a big payday, saying that the band is more than happy to be in indie-label land and insinuating that EMI just may be a bunch of unprofessional crybabies who are better at leaking information to newspapers than actually dealing with artists:

for your information>>>

we did not ask for a load of cash from our old record label EMI to re- sign. that is a L I E. The Times in the UK should check its facts before it prints such dirt.

whAT we WANTED WAS some control over OUR WOrK and how it was used in the future by them- that seemed REASONAblE to us, as we cared about it a great deal.

Mr Hands was not interested. So neither were we.

We made the sign of the cross and walked away. Sadly.

We are extremely upset that this crap is being spread about.

To bedigging up such bullshit, or more politely airing yer dirty laundry in public, seems a very strange way for the head of an international record label to be proceeding.

On a happier note we took no ‘BRead-HEAd’ advances at all from both independent labels XL and TBD for our new record.

So judge for yourself.

AND we are really excited to be working with them. SHock!

AT least they do not behave like confused bulls in a china shop.

much love

thom x

So there you go. Also: Did a British tabloid really use the appellation “Bread-head” in a headline? Because that makes me feel a little less guilty about all the lame-ass puns I’ve used over the past year and a half.

F Y I_____ if you care [dead air space] Earlier: EMI: Radiohead Demanded £10 Million Payday At The End Of Its Rainbow
