Desperation Over Lack Of Disney CDs Forces Two Little Kids To Begin Life Of Crime

jharv | January 2, 2008 12:40 pm

From the “oh, New Jersey” files: two NJ grade school kids apparently really wanted some Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers records under the Christmas tree, and were ready to do anything to get them, including a MacGyver-style breaking and entering scheme. Which probably doesn’t make them the state’s youngest felons, but it might make them the most ingenious?

Authorities said Friday that a 9-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy used a gift card to pick the lock on the back door of a home a block away. They then took about $200 in wrapped presents that were located on a kitchen table, including Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers CDs. The couple who lived in the home returned from some Christmas Eve shopping to find the house broken into, and the presents gone, South Brunswick police Detective Jim Ryan said. One of the children’s relatives who also lived in the neighborhood spoke with the couple and realized the gifts matched some mysterious extra presents the children appeared to receive on Christmas. The relative contacted the children’s mother, who got the truth out of them on Wednesday, and then contacted police. “A 9- and 5-year-old would never be on our suspect list. For a burglary? Maybe for taking a bike or something like that, but not for a burglary,” Ryan said.

You know, between this and the whole “state legislature recently upholding the legality of beastiality” thing, I’ve never been prouder to be stuck in the great Garden State.

Police: Little Kids Took Gifts Out Of Home Christmas Eve [AOL News]