Your Daily Hannah Montana Debriefing

jharv | January 7, 2008 10:00 am

• The TV writer who filed suit against the Disney Channel for allegedly stealing the idea for HM and giving it a sex change was “referred Friday to mediation” by a California judge in hopes the media conglomerate can buy him off. Or intimidate him. Whatever’s easier. • Meanwhile, the mother who allowed her daughter to lie about her daddy being exploded in Iraq in an essay contest where the prize was tickets to an HM concert is deeply sorry for being embarassed by the media her deception. Her reason for allowing the budding sociopath to manipulate the judges in such a way? “”We never said this was a true story. We do essays all the time. My daughter does essays at school all the time.” Maybe they wait to outline the distinctions between “essays” and “fiction” ’til first grade now?

Hannah Montana Suit Something To Talk About [E!]