Basia Bulat Invites The Nighttime Animals To Her Slumber Party

noah | January 22, 2008 2:15 am
Basia Bulat’s “In The Night” is a chiming slice of autoharp-topped pop that’s been getting a lot of play around my house lately. While the rest of the Canadian singer’s forthcoming album Oh My Darling dips a little too much into the Merchant-isms for my taste, but this song never fails to makes me crack a smile thanks to its relentlessly cheery chorus. Plus, the “after-dark parade ’round the forest” construct of the video makes her come off sort of like Natasha Khan‘s less moody younger sister, one who can appreciate the sorta-creepiness of dancing skeletons but isn’t ashamed of announcing good things in her life with a hearty “Yay!!!!” [YouTube/MySpace; HT 17 dots]