Barack Obama Should Apparently Appear At Coachella Because He’s As Awesome As Danny Tenaglia <em>And</em> Martin Luther King

Jess Harvell | February 6, 2008 9:45 am

It’s hard to decide on the most forehead-clenching moment in this windy look at the connections between the Coachella festival and the Barack Obama campaign (!?), which ends with a plea for Barry to actually make a headlining appearance at this year’s festival because the bill is devoid of big name draws. (Especially hard since I was rubbernecking until about 2 a.m. in front of MSNBC’s SUPER DUPER TUESDAY!!!1! coverage.) Might it be the following rave-age comparison between Obama’s liberalism and Coachella’s dance music-friendly atmosphere: “Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. Aren’t those four words what we’re looking for as a society? And what we’re seeing in Barack Obama’s candidacy and platform?” No. No, actually it gets worse!

Because then we learn what Sen. Obama can offer Coachella to redeem its lack of a “major” headlining artist this year: “If we can’t have My Bloody Valentine, at least give us Barack’s I Have A Dream’ moment that we can lord over our children, and our children’s children, for decades to come.” Because a presidential candidate courting the vote of music fans at a for-profit festival is the same as a speech delivered at the march on Washington, because one generation had the death Medgar Evers and we have Kevin Shields disappointing the Internets. Dear music writers/bloggers: We know the words “Barack Obama” and “Coachella” are Google News gold, but…no. Just…don’t.

[Daily Swarm]
