Panic At The Disco Have A Technicolor Fever Dream

noah | February 11, 2008 9:35 am
They may be ditching the exclamation point from their name and chucking the contortionists to the curb, but Panic At The Disco’s video for the (still ridiculously catchy) “Nine In The Afternoon” is a sign that they’re still all about the showmanship, with splashes of bright color, a Beatles-like chase scene that seemingly was inspired by a Rennaisance Faire that took place on a golf course, and what looks to be a single-band-handed attempt to bring the facial hair stylings of Rollie Fingers to the children. Plus, the whole dream motif of the video means that they’ll still get “Brendon is so cute in his PJS!!!!!!!!” comments from the YouTube faithful. Oh, those boys are so, so canny! [YouTube]