Band To Downloaders: “If You’re Going To Screw Us, At Least Do Something Nice For Someone Else”

noah | February 15, 2008 10:30 am

Earlier this week, the new album by the Oakland band the Matches, A Band In Hope, leaked–more than a month before its release date. So frontman Shawn Harris has written a blog post detailing just how, exactly, people who download the album can make penance to his bandmates: “How may you make payment to the musicians who created it? Glad you wondered. When you download or rip the album, do something nice for a stranger. Give a dollar to Jumpstart a car. Give a rose to an old woman eating alone. Leave an open ended love letter in someone’s shoe at the gym. But actually, those examples are not as great as the ones you will come up with! Take a video of it on your camera or cameraphone or if you don’t have that, take a photo, or draw a picture, and send it to us.” While I have no problem with the idea of bringing positivity to the world, the impish and Catholically indoctrinated sides of me are hoping that they get a cameraphone video of someone saying ten Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers within the week. [The Matches’ blog via Buzzgrinder]