Kanye West Will Not Be Your Michael Jackson (Whatever That Means)

noah | May 5, 2008 10:00 am

Kanye West had a change of blogging heart after Friday’s outburst at Entertainment Weekly‘s Chris Willman, who had the nerve to give his show a B+. The blog-happy MC deleted his exhortation that Willman off himself from his rebuttal post to the EW review sometime Saturday, possibly out of the fear of stoking bad karma. And yesterday, he put up an “I ain’t mad at you” post that explained his onstage tantrum in Houston Friday night, absolved the rest of the EW staff from his wrath and coined a new phrase that invokes the King Of Pop:

Don’t believe the hype! When I started the show the other night we were having a lot of technical issues due 2 the heat. The 2 huge screens on both sides of the stage were glaring bright blue like when your DVD player acts up at home. I asked for them 2 turn the screens off 3 times because it was distracting 2 the show. The fans were not getting what they paid for. I admit, in my frustration, I did use profanity on the 4th time I asked. I stopped the show 2 go over and check it out myself. After the screens were turned off I started the same song from the beginning. The screens were eventually fixed 5 songs in but it was definitely better 2 have them blacked out rather than bright blue. Unfortunately for certain media outlets, you will never be able 2 ‘Michael Jackson’ me. That means 2 make it seem like everything I do is so weird or out of place… they always try 2 make it seem like everything is about my ego! That joke is getting old. At a certain point you have 2 respect that I’m one of the last artist that still cares about the fans having the best time of there lives! Thanks 2 Bossip and Perez for taking it easy on me on the EW spaz… I did go in a little 2 much on that one. I’m sure there are some cool people who work over there and had nothing 2 do with that review. With all that said…. “I’m still the greatest!!!” lol!! Oh and I was in the studio with T.I. last night…. so get ready!!!

Somehow Kanye’s definition of “Michael Jackson” hasn’t cracked the UrbanDictionary.com top 10 descriptions for the term yet, but give it time.

Kanye West and his surreal, sci-fi odyssey [HandStamp] HOUSTON I LOVE YOU! [kanYe West: Blog]
