OMG! What Are The “American Idol” Finalists Doing <em>Right Now</em>?

noah | May 9, 2008 2:00 am

The three remaining American Idol contestants are currently enjoying their homecoming days, and the Fox affiliates in their largest-populated hometowns (Salt Lake City, Kansas City, and Tampa) are going all-out with coverage, employing streaming video, blogging, and third-party chat-room technology to make sure that people can spend their Fridays slacking off to David Archuleta’s overly licked lips, David Cook’s unending grunge homages, and Syesha Mercado’s inflated sense of importance. A guide to the proceedings–including pointers to the not-really-live webcam feeds that are claiming to follow the hopefuls all day, but have also provided somewhat terrifying glimpses into the rest of the country’s local news offerings–after the jump.

David Archuleta Schedule highlights: Fox’s Utah affiliate is celebrating “D-Day” (yes, they’re really calling it that) with a 90-minute special about David’s life airing on the local Fox affiliate. Expect more filler than an elimination episode and lots of lip-licking. What he’s up to right now: Radio interviews. What’s on the live feed: News about the UN suspending aid to Myanmar. Happy D-Day? Average number of people in chat room: N/A. It’s exceeded its limit. For real.

David Cook Schedule highlights: Singing the national anthem at tonight’s Tampa Bay Rays- Anaheim Angels game; What he’s up to right now: He just finished up a mini-concert in downtown Kansas City, and his schedule seems to be free and clear until 5:30 p.m. ET. What’s on the live feed: A hard-hitting report on barbecue. Average number of people in chat room: 1,070. Lots of people are smack-talking Blake Lewis, because beatboxing is so over as a gimmick.

Syesha Mercado Schedule highlights: Singing the national anthem at tonight’s Tampa Bay Rays-Anaheim Angels game. What she’s up to right now: Traveling between a celebration at her high school and a helicopter tour of her hometown, Sarasota, Fla. What’s on the live feed: Some sort of court proceeding, which may be a stark reminder of the actual levels of Syesha’s popularity. Average number of people in chat room: 65. Is it because of the crossed streams, or does she have as few fans as the Rays?


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