Bon Jovi: The New Arcade Fire?

noah | July 8, 2008 1:00 am

The free tickets for Bon Jovi’s show in New York’s Central Park this Saturday are all gone, but scalpers have rushed in to fill the void, with reports saying that resale prices are now ranging from 99 cents to $1,500. (The tickets are allegedly marked “not for resale,” but you can’t stop people who think they were born to be Jon’s baby to pay for the privilege of seeing him.) The top-tier tickets noted by the Associated Press are seemingly gone from eBay–the highest bid right now is a comparably paltry $75/blanket space–while Craigslist’s prices seem a little bit more sane, with some people even offering straight-up trades for other shows… and Yankees games.

While no one has stepped forward and said they’re willing to charge ticket-seekers the GNP of Burundi for the privilege of seeing New Jersey’s finest, there are other creative offers out there.

Trade Bon Jovi tickets for George Michael tickets: I’d like to think that there’s one side that’s a definite winner here. Will give you Bon Jovi central Park if you buy my all star sunday: Or, “tickets for Bon Jovi = $225.00 + $53.00 + $5.00 + whatever shipping charges I signed up for.” I like how this person gets around mentioning an actual dollar amount. TRADE: 2 Bon Jovi Central Park for Yankees or Giants Tickets: The first people I thought of when I saw this ad were Mike and/or the Mad Dog. Perhaps they decided that it would be better to reconcile while watching what brought them together, instead of “Wanted Dead Or Alive.” FT: Bon Jovi Tickets for Verizon Blackberry: One wonders if this was this particular person’s plan all along.

There are also a lot of people looking to trade their tickets for a ticket to the Billy Joel shows at Shea Stadium, which makes me laugh so, so hard. But can you feel the bartering era coming back?

And those of you who want to see Jon, Richie, and everyoe else while paying an inflated price needn’t worry, as tickets for their upcoming Madison Square Garden show can be yours for a mere $8,394 on StubHub. Who says you can’t go home?

bon jovi central park [Craigslist] bon jovi central park [eBay] Scalpers ask $1,500 for free Bon Jovi concert [AP]
