Another Day, Another Reunion: Shudder To Think Reunites

Dan Gibson | July 8, 2008 5:00 am
In a move that probably shocks no one, but likely pleases some of you, Shudder to Think is following up a February appearance at a Barack Obama fundraiser with a smallish tour this summer that starts at the Virgin Mobile Festival in Baltimore and works its way across our fine nation to San Francisco’s Fillmore. I would regale you, the reader, with a number of Shudder to Think videos from the band’s Epic Records era, but as those videos (including the splendid “X-French Tee Shirt”) are property of the embed-hating Sony/BMG, I’ve placed a clip of Craig Wedren performing “Suffragette City” with Of Montreal above. I hope you’re happy, Sony, because I’m certainly not. [Billboard]