Carrie Underwood Brings Us The Year’s Most Depressing Video

noah | August 6, 2008 2:45 am
At first, the clip for Carrie Underwood’s “Just A Dream” seems like it’s going to be an homage to Paula Abdul’s “Rush Rush,” with its ’50s-style fashions and semi-audible conversations layered over the music. (Also: eyelashes. Crazy eyelashes.) But then, as Underwood is walking down the aisle in her wedding gown, the dress–and its attendant veil–crudely morphs into a dress that’s more suitable for a funeral. And the whole tone of the clip shifts, and the reason for the video being set in a more “innocent” moment in this country’s history–i.e. the war in which her beloved is killed in isn’t the current conflict, because setting it in the present day might cause the more lunatic fringes of this nation to think that Underwood’s love song to a fallen soldier is actually a statement against the current war, the troops fighting it, and the mere notion of America–is made crystal clear. And that only serves to make the clip even sadder. [YouTube]