Dido Lets The Strings Come In

noah | August 22, 2008 11:00 am

ARTIST: Dido TITLE: “Look No Further” WEB DEBUT: Aug. 22, 2008

ONE-LISTEN VERDICT: The first album in five years from the British singer Dido, Safe Trip Home, comes out later this year, and this non-single from the record dispenses with the dance beats that made previous songs like “White Flag” a staple for music directors on lite-rock stations and soapy prime-time shows; instead; she sings over a barely-there string ensemble. The track is delicately pretty, and I swear, if you put it in front of your favorite music snob and said it was a new song by Feist or one of those other AC-except-in-the-marketing “indie” chanteuses, they would flip out for it. If only I worked in an office where I could try this experiment out on other unsuspecting knowledge workers…

WHERE TO FIND IT: Dido’s official site is parting with it in exchange for an e-mail address, but you can find it in other, less savory corners of the Internet.