
Maura showed me the new artwork for the new Oasis album, and I immediately thought two things. One: Are you sure that’s not the new Edan record? And two: Someone needs to make a Random Oasis Song/Album Title and/or Lyric Generator already. Seriously, what are the interviews in London like? “It’s called Dig Your Own Hole. I mean, it’s called Searching for the Young Soul Rebels. Oh shit, sorry, it’s called Diamond Dogs. Er… ” [pause] “It’s called Lady Soul. Fuck, man–just let me straighten out in the loo, back in a second.” [ten minutes later] “Whoo! Back! Whew! Hey! Great to see ya again, long time, eh?” [inhales heavily and sharply] “Anyway, new album. What was that title again? Soul Rebels? Soul Revolutionaries? Hahahaha who fuckin’ cares, man? Here–wanna come take a bump with me, mate?” [Consequence Of Sound]
