Mozart Is The New Tupac

Lucas Jensen | September 18, 2008 4:00 am

The classical music community is abuzz after the discovery of a new “melody sketch” of Mozart’s found on a single sheet of paper in a library in Western France. I think for them, this is pretty much like the discovery of a new Hendrix jam or new Tupac rhymes… oh, wait. It’s not that big of a deal. In fact, Mozart was, in a lot of ways, like Tupac or Hendrix (or, er, vice versa) insofar as he was extremely prolific; he left behind nearly 100 drafts or unfinished pieces, including the score for his famous Requiem Mass in D Minor (the saddest of the keys, really). Still, the piece of music, no matter how infinitesimal given the overall body of his work, expects to fetch about $100k at auction, which is more than I can say for my random scribblings. There was a press conference today, which I hope answered the question on everyone’s mind: “Is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart really dead?” (Also: that must have been written on some seriously acid-free paper! Photo albums I bought in the late ’80s are already degrading.) [AP]
