The Clique Girlz: Purveyors Of “Food Porn”

noah | February 18, 2009 1:00 am

Anti-junk-food agitators the Center For Science In The Public Interest—who you may know from their colloquial title, “America’s Food Police”—have struck out against the Clique Girlz-endorsed, nipple-shaped candies known as Baby Bottle Pops. Mainly because their sugar-laden ingredients is almost as bad for kids as the prematurely aged pop starlets’ consumerism-laden lyrics! One of the CSPI’s mouthpieces went so far as to call the Girlz’ forthcoming ad campaign “food porn” even though it hasn’t launched yet, and added a special message to Topps owner Michael Eisner: “I think I speak for millions of parents when I say: Mr. Eisner, please keep your candy nipples out of our children’s mouths.” It’s not just parents who support that statement, believe me.

In case you want to know just how bad those candy nipples are, here’s a gander at CSPI’s estimate of its nutrition information:

The first three ingredients listed on a Baby Bottle Pop obtained by CSPI are sugar, dextrose, and corn syrup or, in other words, sugar, sugar, and sugar. After those ingredients come unspecified artificial flavors, citric acid, buffered lactic acid, and the artificial colors Blue 1, Yellow 5, Red 40, and Red 3. …

Baby Bottle Pop containers are just small enough for Topps to avoid disclosing calories on Nutrition Facts labels, but if they were labeled, parents would learn that the product has 120 calories, all from sugar. The product CSPI obtained had 31 grams of candy inside, and cost $1.09, which means that Eisner and colleagues are basically selling sugar for about $15.95 a pound. Considering that sugar retails for as little as 65 cents per pound, it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see how Eisner might recoup the $385 million he and his business partners paid for the Topps company last year.

All I’m going to say is, if that one member hasn’t quit already, this will probably push her over the edge.

Center For Science In The Public Interest [Official site] Earlier: All Clique Girlz coverage
